A Nobel Celebration
While there are attempts to erase our history,
It is up to us to keep our history alive!
Friends of Royal Oak Township, Inc. (FOROT) is proud to offer the opportunity to own a Black History Nobel Prize Poster. Don't miss out on the elegantly designed full color 25th Anniversary Edition: International Black Nobel Prize Winners Poster. Its regal colors are woven in the heritage, regions and prestige of its honorees. The 25th edition highlights international Nobel Prize leaders of African ancestry brilliance, accomplishments and contributions in Peace, Economics and Literature. Grab this jewel of history to display, educate, inspire and remember the contributions of our ancestors and leaders who continue to illuminate a path for future generations.for only $25.

The Black History of the Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the most prestigious awards given globally for outstanding contributions to peace-making efforts. It is awarded annually to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to the promotion of peace and conflict resolution.
The 25th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize was celebrated on December 10, 2021. On this significant day, laureates from around the world were recognized for their remarkable contributions to peace and humanity. The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo commemorates the legacy of Alfred Nobel and honors those who have worked tirelessly to promote peace, human rights, and global well-being. The Nobel Peace Prize was first awarded in 1901.
The first black recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize was Ralph Bunche, who was awarded the prize in 1950. This means it took nearly half a century, almost five decades, for the first black individual to receive this prestigious award.
The delay in awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to black individuals can be attributed to a variety of complex historical and societal factors. During the early years of the Nobel Prize (early 20th century), much of the world, including the United States and Africa (the continents with the highest populations of black individuals), were grappling with severe racial discrimination and inequality. Opportunities for black individuals to engage in the kind of high-profile peace-making efforts often recognized by the Nobel Committee were limited.
Moreover, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to those who have "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". The opportunities for black individuals to contribute in these areas and be globally recognized for their efforts were historically constrained by the socio-political context of the times.
It's important to note that since Ralph Bunche's recognition in 1950, several other black individuals and organizations have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, including Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, and others. This reflects the ongoing, though still incomplete, progress towards racial equality and recognition in global peace-making efforts.
However, the underrepresentation of black laureates in the history of the Nobel Peace Prize underscores the ongoing need for societal progress in racial equality and recognition of contributions from all racial and ethnic groups. It's a reminder that there's still much work to be done in ensuring equal opportunities and recognition for all, regardless of race or ethnicity.

First Black Nobel Prize Winner
Ralph Bunche (1950)

Ralph Bunche (1950): Ralph Bunche was the first African American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He received it for arranging a cease-fire between Israelis and Arabs during the war which followed the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. He was a social science graduate and studied colonial policy in West Africa before World War II. He joined the staff of the Swedish social scientist Gunnar Myrdal, who was studying racial segregation in the USA. In 1946, Bunche went into UN service, and in the following year Secretary-General Trygve Lie sent him to the Middle East to help devise a plan for dividing Palestine between Arabs and Jews.